Sunday 16 June 2013

Nail Varnishes Galore

I thought I'd show you all my nail varnish collection today. It's nothing special but it's a start (I'm trying to have nail varnishes on my nails most of the time).
 I'm also going to include photos of some of the nail varnishes on my nails in a single coat because some of the colours aren't very strong. I'm not going to sample every one but here is a selection:
How often do you wear nail varnish? Do you like to do nail art?

K xo


  1. Replies
    1. Well I just got it from my local newsagents (I have no idea why they were stocking it) but I just searched for it on google and quite a few websites sell them, including amazon! :) Hope that helps
      K xo

  2. Hey, I love your blog great work! Please come and have a look at mine, if you decide to follow me I’ll follow you back :)XxX

    1. Thanks :), your blog is great too - I've followed it... so follow me back please? :)

      K xo
